NPA call for development sites in South Downs

The South Downs National Park Authority is offering an opportunity for landowners, including custom and selfbuilders, and developers to put forward sites for potential development.

The National Park Authority is undertaking a review of its Local Plan as required by law to ensure it is up-to-date.

Potential sites can be put forward for consideration for the following range of uses:

• Housing, including new homes, affordable housing, specialised care, and self and custom-build homes.

• Economic development, including offices, manufacturing and warehousing.

• Renewable energy.

• Gypsy and traveller, and travelling show people sites.

• Biodiversity net gain (where the natural environment is improved) and nutrient offsetting sites.

Local green spaces

The NPA is also looking for nominations for “Local Green Spaces”, which local communities think are demonstrably special and should be protected from development.

The Local Plan and neighbourhood plans already have a number of designated Local Green Spaces, but communities are being invited to nominate more sites for consideration.

Lucy Howard (pictured), planning policy manager for the NPA, said: “This Call for Sites is a key aspect of the Local Plan Review, which is a detailed planning process that is likely to take up to three years.

“It’s crucial we keep the Local Plan up-to-date otherwise the National Park would be more vulnerable to speculative developments that haven’t been properly consulted on.”

Following this summer’s general call-out, the NPA will be carrying out a park-wide Land Availability Assessment. This will involve looking at the suitability of all the submitted sites.

11 August 2022